How to Get Quality Pay Per Call Leads

What is Pay Per Call?

Pay Per Call is performance marketing, where advertisers pay publishers for qualified pay per call leads. The publishers host ads with unique phone numbers that track the performance of the ad and partnership. With an unlimited number of potential publishers, both advertisers and affiliate publishers can benefit from this type of performance marketing.

Pay Only For Qualified Pay Per Call Leads

The purpose of this approach is for publishers to drive pay per call leads to advertisers. Customers who respond to pay per call ads and call the unique numbers are of high value to advertisers, since they are genuinely interested potential customers. Each advertiser will specify the minimum length of time that makes the call a qualified lead, and each qualified lead yields an agreed-upon payment amount to the publisher. Advertisers grow their customer base, while publishers receive a commission for sharing relevant partner ads with their audience.

Use Call Tracking

Pay per Call uses both unique and dynamic source tracking numbers. Unique tracking numbers are the phone numbers allotted to a specific business. It provides the opportunity to show advertiser and publisher partners clear tracking reports of how an ad is performing. The generated calls from different unique numbers allow for better analytics, and improvements to different campaigns. For online Pay per Call leads ads, each website has a unique code assigned to it. This tracks calls from online sources and provides insight into data such as the keyword search leading to the online point of connection.

Pay Per Cal vs Pay Per Click

Pay per call is similar to online pay per click (PPC) advertising. Pay per call induces the viewer to make a telephone call instead of viewing an external website. Both enterprises looking to reach certain locations or local/regional businesses can benefit from Pay per Call campaigns because it allows customers to talk with the seller before buying a product or service. Vendors of pay-per-call advertising attribute the growth of the model to the popularity of smart phones and claim that it reduces the costs of online click fraud.

Is Pay Per Call Better Than Pay Per Click

Pay per call lead providers charge higher rates compared to online pay-per-click providers, citing higher consumer intent to purchase and a higher conversion rate. Providers also report that captured call data is more detailed and actionable than click-related data. With strong call tracking technology, you can record calls for quality assurance, look at caller ID, and screen geographic information about callers. This makes it easy to view reports about call durations, time, day, and much more to determine the best calls for you.
Stop wasting your time and money on leads and other marketing channels that don’t convert. inbound calls connect you with prospects live on the phone in their moment of need. You decide when to receive calls and how much you want to spend. You remain in absolute control.