4 Ways To Route Calls With An Automatic Call Distribution System

If your business depends on incoming, qualified phone calls being distributed according to conditions specific to your company, your search for a customizable, automatic call distribution system can end with CallerReady. We’ve developed dynamic call routing technology that will suit whatever circumstances your marketing campaign requires. In this article, we go over four ways you can program the CallerReady system to route your calls.

1. Competitive Call Distribution

Unlike many other automatic call distribution systems, CallerReady can create a competition amongst the call buyers or agents so your qualified calls are awarded to the keenest reps available. Not only does this increase the chances of converting the call, it ensures that the call is routed to a representative who is available and driven to make a sale. CallerReady’s patent pending Multi-Buyer Competitive Call Distribution technology guarantees the call isn’t routed to an agent who’s on a coffee break or simply not feeling motivated at that moment.

2. Skills Based Call Routing

When you know you have a highly qualified and valuable incoming phone call, would you want the most suitable sales rep to handle the call or would you rather the call went to whomever was next in line? In the highly competitive field of performance marketing, it’s imperative to make the most of qualified incoming calls. Targeting the best salesperson relevant to the call can play a large role in that process. Perhaps the customer wishes to be served in a language other than English. The CallerReady Best Rep Finder technology can be programmed to automatically fulfill that request by sending the lead to the agent best suited for the conversation.

3. Round Robin Routing

By programming the call distribution system to employ round robin routing, you can ensure all your phone agents receive an equal number of opportunities to take on phone calls. This system guarantees even distribution of incoming calls meaning no reps become overwhelmed while others remain unused. If a call goes unanswered on its initial routing, it’ll be forwarded to the next agent in the queue. It’s also possible for future callbacks to be routed back to the agent who received the initial phone call to establish a sense of continuity for the customer. Round robin routing is effective at making sure calls get answered promptly and don’t end up reaching voicemail.

4. Geographic Routing

By recognizing where a call is originating from, it’s possible to employ geographic routing to ensure the caller is served by an agent located near them. The caller’s whereabouts can be determined by their area code or by information elicited directly from the caller via an interactive voice response system, online form or other information gathering method. Geographic routing protects callers from reaching closed offices and reduces the chances that they’ll speak to multiple agents before being transferred to the correct location. Geographic routing also enables the ability to block calls from areas that aren’t served by the company.

CallerReady’s Automatic Call Distribution System

The dynamic call distribution system provided by CallerReady has been created to allow call routing criteria to be set according to the specific needs of the user. If you’d like to learn more about CallerReady’s automatic call distribution system, get in touch for a free demo today.